Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Software Experience: Automated Unit Tests in my life


This is an article of a software developer, who decided to share some knowledge and experience in automated unit tests. I think this one can help in everyday work of people like us.
This is not a pure technical article. It is a real story and comes to help producing better quality code. I will try to give some nice tips and show black and white sides of my automated unit tests experience.
About the name of an article ... You might ask: Hey, man – isn’t it too much? You could name it “Unit Tests in my code, work, or etc – but “in my life”? You will find the answer on that question by reading this material, which consists of several parts. And here they are:
· How did it begin – how, when and why did I begin using automated unit tests
· My first experience – Good, bad, why do I need it
· The New style of work. How could Programming be like playing a game.
· Programming without automated unit tests and Test Driven Development - differences
· Programming without automated unit tests and Test Driven Development - differences
· Self confidence in your work
· Automated unit test weakness and how to prevent them
· How can we mock without affecting the code

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